Direct Hit
Wasted Mind
Fat Wreck Chords
I can't help loving this. Sure, it's the age-old Fat Wreck skate-punk formula of snotty vocals, back up oohs... Read More...
PIAS Records
I don't even want to write a review, because I just want to keep listening to it (especially their rad cover of Devin T... Read More...
The Used
Live and Acoustic At The Palace
I usually approach live albums with caution, and The Used's new live album is why.
I'm sure that the show ...
Nerf Herder
Golf Shirt Records
For eight years, I have been miserable and didn't know it. Oh, sure, I met the woman of my dreams, have an... Read More...
Desert Mountain Tribe
Either That Or The Moon
Metropolis Records
What the hell is this? Shoegaze surf? Eighties goth chill-out? I don't fucking know.... Read More...
Armed with the promise of McDonald's sausage biscuits and cheese danishes, my older brother and I were bribed to church on dimly-lit Sunday mornings. The ethnic... Read More...
Robert DeLong
In The Cards
Glassnote Records
"What genre would you say Robert DeLong is?"
"White girl dance music."
This is my go-to answer f...
The Good Life
Everybody's Coming Down
Saddle Creek (because of course it is)
8/10 if you want music to make you feel things
0/10 if you want music to make y...
Usually, when I get behind on albums to review, I do something stupid like THIS, THIS, or THIS. I had fully intended on doing one of these stupid things, but th... Read More...
Mondo showed me a ska cover of Marilyn Manson's The New Shit and I was so disappointed in myself for liking it. Now I was sent over this cover of Black Flag's M... Read More...
Holy fuck, growing up is EXHAUSTING. Between buying a house, getting my masters degree, getting married, AND working a day job, I've been swamped. To all the ba... Read More...
When asked how to describe Sweden's First Aid Kit, I usually go with "Mumford & Sons little sisters." After seeing Johanna & Klara Söderberg, the Swedis... Read More...
This is kind of all you need to know about a GWAR show.
If you couldn't tell from the years of GWAR interviews, countless live/album reviews, and my "tattoo... Read More...
From GWAR's Facebook page:
Oderus is missing. Once the Scumdogs in GWAR finally notice this (it takes them a while to notice stuff) they will set off on a jo... Read More...
Say Anything wrapped up their latest U.S. tour in support of their brand new record "Hebrews" during Comic Con weekend, with the second to last show taking plac... Read More...