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Drag The River – Bad at Breaking Up – CD Review

breakingup_lo_res_72dpi-1.jpgDrag The River
Bad At Breaking Up
Suburban Home/Vinyl Collective

The recent outbreak of bearded alt-country bands that are as equally at home at The Fest as they are at the Grand Ol’ Opry has me both confused, and very, very happy. Forsaking the realm of digital and recording on a Tascam reel to reel, the lo-fi is not synonymous with low-quality. Everything from the honky-tonk piano bits to the stellar steel guitar twangs stand out, giving auto-tune the finger. I’m sure you’ve encountered the person who says “I listen to everything but rap and country.” Get them a copy of this, and it will soon change to “I listen to everything but rap.” We’ll solve the rap problem later. In the mean time, go get your copy of Drag The River from VinylCollective.com and take a break from the city life.

–Jonathan Yost