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Jason Yudoff – Tragic Hero – CD Review

yudoff.jpgJason Yudoff
Tragic Hero
JGY Enterprises

OK, well, right off: I don’t like this album. Now, with that out of the way, we can get to the constructive criticism. Dude can play an instrument, and while he sounds like Maroon 5’s eventual understudy for Adam Levine, he can actually sing. Now, you may be asking yourself: what the hell, isn’t that the basics? Yes and no. There was a time when people with great voices worked with people with sucky voices, but great songwriting skills. Do this. Do this immediately. I hate your songs. I don’t hate you, but be the next Elton John and uhh, whatever that other dude’s name was. Find someone to work with, and go forth and be famous. Don’t do what you’re doing forever. You’ll end up in the discount bin at FYE faster than you can say “F Minor”.

-Jonathan Yost