In the 20 years since Overcast!, Atmosphere has toured relentlessly, recorded and released hundreds of tracks, and still manage to draw new fans. Between Slug's... Read More...
Enter Shikari
The Spark
Release: Sept. 22, 2017
I've enjoyed Enter Shikari for a few years, but I wouldn't have considered myself a fan. Afte... Read More...
Hot on the heels of last year's The Complete Decca Singles 1949-1958, Verve Records/UMe released another ridiculous amount of material from the venerable Lo... Read More...
San Bernardino gets a bad rap. Sure, it has some garbage it's dealing with in regards to its bankruptcy, but it's dealing with it. As part of my day job, I ... Read More...
I hate moving. Moving sucks so fucking bad. I hate moving so much, that when our landlords were talking about selling the house we had rented for two years, we ... Read More...
While the 30th anniversary of the debut of everyone's favorite codpiece arrived with an extensively remastered movie, the finishing touches on a remastered soun... Read More...
I freaking love music festivals. I hate music festival weather. It's usually in a 110 degree desert, where you end up with dry desert sand in all your nooks... Read More...
Yesterday, I got an email from the good folks over at Mondo Tees about their new vinyl pressing of the soundtrack for the upcoming Colossal movie. An hour later... Read More...
Sometimes, you work at a company where you are stuck with a uniform. Sometimes you are stuck with what I refer to as a "pseudo-uniform," which is any dress cod... Read More...
What some people hear when someone uses the term "white privilege."
“I wish I was one of those white people who were oh so privileged. My life was hard, too.”... Read More...
Between two cats (Junior and Bragnadarr The Trolleater) and two dogs (a beagle named Turbo and a husky named Gozer The Destructor), I deal with my share of pet ... Read More...
Fishing Blues
Rhymesayers Entertainment
The world’s most relatable rapper has once again teamed up with the world’s least produced produc... Read More...
Prohibition was one of the darkest times in our country's past, I mean, obviously it wasn't as bad as slavery, the Civil War, the assassinations of Lincoln &... Read More...
Screen Junkies Moonshine Flats Takeover
The Honest Trailer guys interview some amazing people at what I'm pretty sure is a country bar. Attend at your ow... Read More...
Nick Offerman
Gumption: Relighting the Torch of Freedom with America's Gutsiest Troublemakers
Dutton Books
Normally, I am inundated with advanced re...
Yup. Here we are again. Between my actual job, paying attention to my wonderful wife, freelance shit, and actual shits, I am fucking busy, man. Yet, the onslaug... Read More...