So, I’ve been severely slacking in reviewing albums sent my way, but it turns out losing your mom can be fucking devastating. First I was sad, then I got a tatt... Read More...
The Post is the newest from Steven Spielberg. A period piece about the Washington Post publishing the Pentagon Papers in the early 70's. Short review is it shou... Read More...
This week we review Jumanji. Do a re-watch of Captain America: The First Avenger and Iron Man. Plus talk about how the boy’s first viewing of Episode I went.... Read More...
If you haven’t heard of Lucha VaVOOM, Southern California’s premiere purveyors of “sexo y violencia,” you’re missing out. Lucha Vavoom has spent 15 years blendi... Read More...
I've seen some amazing festivals and some godawful ones, but the 2017 edition of the Ohana Festival is easily in my top three BEST festivals I've ever attended.... Read More...
The High and Low Festival held it's inaugural event this past Saturday and I have to say, I had a damn good time. I got there a little later than planned due to... Read More...