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Kenneth Ishak – Silver Lightning From a Black Sky – CD Review

ki-cover-lo-res.jpgKenneth Ishak
Silver Lightning from a Black Sky

This album by Norwegian Kenneth Ishak is both lush and beautiful. It is filled with layers of dreamy soundscapes on each folksy number. It’s also dreadfully boring. Did I listen to the entire album? No, couldn’t stand to. I did listen to half of it, and what I heard gives me the impression of someone trying way too hard. From the album cover, to the title, to the contrived poetry of the lyrics, I get the sense that this album strives to be lumped in a category with singer/songwriter icons from three decades ago. Despite its efforts, that’s too high a goal. If I want to feel all nostalgic I’ll put on some Elton John or The Band. It pains me to say harsh things about something someone undoubtedly put a lot of time and care into this, but I do not like this album and am unable to say otherwise.

–Luke Toney