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The Emperor

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Racket Magazine Presents our Spring Issue

So, we at Racket have done plenty to lurk around on the internet, but now you can download our 48-page Spring 2010 issue and enjoy it at whatever coffee shop that you are doing "homework" at, or when your dog pisses on your modem. With Coachella just around the corner, Racketeers give you the low-down on who to check out, who's back together & how to avoid chaffing. We also have all the regular stuff you expect from Racket: reviews, previews, nonsense and more. You can either click on the jump link to view it in your browser, or RIGHT CLICK HERE to save the file to your computer! ... Read More...
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A Fine Frenzy – Interview 2

Alison Sudol, AKA A Fine Frenzy, is known for her piano-driven love songs and powerful voice. She is also the Emperor’s ex. Back around the time that her first album, One Cell In The Sea, came out, I had the chance to talk to her, a chance I didn’t waste. Twelve minutes and thirty-one seconds later, we broke up, and it tore me up inside. We recently had a chance to connect to discuss the changes our breakup had on her latest album, Bomb in a Birdcage, gummies and her pre-fame brush with, er, fame. The Emperor!: You’ve really seemed to mature since we last parted ways, was that due in part to our breakup? The Emperor’s Ex GF: Yea, you know, it really made me look at things differently. It was tough, it was a rough experience, but I made it through.... Read More...