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eBay Auctions to benefit Cal Robbins!

Sent to me by my buddies at No Idea Records…

We are running several auctions right now to benefit CAL ROBBINS! Go here to check ’em out: http://search. ebay. com/_W0QQsassZalfiepotato

We may be adding more records to the auctions as this goes along, so check back over the next few days!

** More info can be found at:

http://desotorecords. com/cal/index.shtml

http://callumrobbins. blogspot. com

** This message comes from Kim and Bill at Desoto Records:

“Hi friends of J.

Robbins, Janet Morgan and Cal Robbins:

J. and Janet’s baby boy Cal was born with a serious genetic condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Though there is no cure for this condition, there are lots of treatments that promise to give Cal the the best possible quality of life. Unfortunately, many of these, especially the alternative treatments, are not covered by health insurance.

J. and Janet have given so much over the years to the music community we’re all a part of, so Bill and I are hoping you can see in your hearts to help them out now. We’ve set up a website with more information and a place to make a donation. All of the money will go straight to J. and Janet to help defray their growing medical bills.”