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Lords – Fuck All Y’all Motherfuckers – CD Review

Fuck All Y’all Motherfuckers
Black Market Activities

Motherfucker, these dudes have problems. You know how I can tell? Music is supposed to be self expression, right? Lords sound like a giant rabid marmoset being put through the garbage disposal while gnawing a squirrel’s head off. Tell me that’s not fucked up. Lords = fucked up. It’s not a bad thing, either. See, sometimes when people are crazy, they make music like Wesley Willis- with an old school Casio and their government money. Sometimes other crazy people rape their guitars and vocal chords and make jagged sonic weaponry, like Lords. I think my percentage of cursing has increased dramatically due to the destabilizing aspect of their tunes. Fuck you.

-Jonathan “The Emperor” Yost