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Politics and Knee-Jerk Reactionists

Being a supporter of the current administration at the college age is a dangerous proposition, to say the least. Emphasis is placed on disaproving of anything Bush could ever say or do, with minimal regard for any actual insight, at least insight past a catchy bumper sticker slogan. When pressed, many anti-Bush kids would be unable to give you any specifics or original thinking, besides what Michael Moore has told them, at least. While those who argue against Bush and his cabinet may be correct in principle, the complete lack of individual thinking and obedience to liberal propaganda make most anti-Bush activists some of the biggest assets the Bush administration has.

The following is a (hypothetical) transcript of a recent conversation between myself, and an anti-Bush activist (read: typical college student chosen at random.) While the statements provided below are totally hypothetical, they are also entirely possible. It is more a conglomeration of actual events, creatively pasted together to shamelessly advance my point.

Me: Why does your shirt say “Not My President” under a picture of Bush? You some kind of Canadian or something?
Pinko Commie Liberal Scum (PCLS): Because he stole the election! He’s a war criminal and should be replaced by a slightly used copy of “Das Kapital”. No blood for oil!
Me: No blood for oil? What does that mean to you, exactly?
PCLS: It means we went to war illegally and spilled the blood of innocent poor minority urban kids who had no chance for a future besides military service, because Michael Moore hasn’t gotten around to solving that problem yet. We did it all for oil! Less Bush, more trees!
Me: Are you sure we went to war for oil? I mean, we were told Iraq would be capable of financing it’s own reconstruction due to it’s massive oil reserves, but instead we’re spending nearly one billion dollars per day of tax payer money to do the job, and the job isn’t getting accomplished. Isn’t the fact that oil resources are not being used indicative of a complete mis-management of funds and resources that further hinder our country? When you insist we went to war for oil, isn’t attention diverted from the real problem regarding oil, and therefore aren’t you giving Bush a free pass on this completly irresponsible failure? I mean, if you’re gonna complain…
PCLS: What? One Term President!
Me: Are you sure you aren’t Canadian?
PCLS: Bush is in bed with the Saudi’s and helped get the bin Laden’s out of the country after 9/11. War is not my voice!
Me: Yeah, he did. What did you do about it?
PCLS: Some friends and I who agree with each other talked about it while drunk one time.
Me: Whoa, slow down there. Revolutions take time. Don’t go throwing them all against the wall at once.
PCLS: Bush Lied, People Died!
Me: Yeah, he did. And yes, people died as a result. What did you do about it?
PCLS: I went out and got another bumper sticker.
Me: What does it say, Mr. Guevara?
PCLS: It says “Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing their idiot”
Me. Good one. What village are you from, anyways?

Bush is a terrifying individual to be at the helm of the world’s only superpower. But mindless disagreement is not the answer. I urge you to educate yourselves before forming your opinion. Don’t base your beliefs on what your friends tell you after watching Farenheit 9/11. In fact, do yourself a favor, and don’t take anything Michael Moore makes seriously. He does make intriguing films that do raise questions, but he answers those questions with nothing more than propaganda and rhetoric. Whether it’s conservative or liberal propaganda, it’s all designed to do the same thing: to make you dumb and obidient enough to believe anything they tell you. It’s all bad for you, and it’s all carcinogenic. Trust me.

The lowest-common-denominator political intelligence of most liberal students is the fatal factor in it’s realistic application. If you want to make someone agree with you, take the trouble to research and be insightful before expressing your opinion, or you’re only going to further solidify someone’s insatiable lust for Bill O’Reily, and when that happens, no one wins.

Stop watching Crossfire, don’t even bother with Hannity and Colmes, and stay the hell away from Bill Maher, unless you want the same mindless entertainment you’d find on daytime tv between Devry commercials. If that’s what you want, knock yourself out. But don’t watch it, and then recite everything they say verbatim like you’re some deep thinking political theorist. Bill Maher, Bill O’Reily, Rush Limbaugh, Al Franken; they’re all in the same pot of bullshit partisanship and mindless dogma. Avoid them like they were Michael Jackson with a gullet full of Jesus juice.

Think for yourself, or else someone even more dumb and more dangerous will do it for you.

By Michael Gunther