House of Heavy
House of Heavy
Metalblade Records
Complete and utter crap. Nickelback on speed. Douchebag radio rock. Horrible vocal/lyrical structure over music that to me is not at all up to par with much of Metalblade’s usual releases, nor did I feel the vocal presence at all fit with the music in itself. Deceptively not-heavy for a band who likes to call themselves ‘House of Heavy’, I feel like the cd/overall sound came off as sort of…cheesy, and manufactured. I gave this a 2/10 because it did succeed in droning into background noise rather than pulling my attention away from what I was doing, so in a sense it has it’s uses. If you call yourself a metalhead and still manage to waste your time on this cd, you can always use it to slice your eyeballs out as the realization sets in that you just wasted precious money on this worthless piece of crap.
-Kim Worpek